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Herring and SalmonFor Dogs at All Life StagesHerring offers your pal a great source of easy-to-digest healthy protein full of immunity-boosting EPA and DHA fatty acids while the salmon works to furthe..
Herring and SalmonFor Dogs at All Life StagesHerring offers your pal a great source of easy-to-digest healthy protein full of immunity-boosting EPA and DHA fatty acids while the salmon works to furthe..
Herring and SalmonFor Dogs at All Life StagesHerring offers your pal a great source of easy-to-digest healthy protein full of immunity-boosting EPA and DHA fatty acids while the salmon works to furthe..
Salmon and Snow CrabFor Dogs at All Life StagesThe Omega 3 fatty acids in the salmon boost your best pal’s immunity, lowers inflammation and gives their coat that healthy sheen. Snow crab is high in p..
Salmon and Snow CrabFor Dogs at All Life StagesThe Omega 3 fatty acids in the salmon boost your best pal’s immunity, lowers inflammation and gives their coat that healthy sheen. Snow crab is high in p..
Salmon and Snow CrabFor Dogs at All Life StagesThe Omega 3 fatty acids in the salmon boost your best pal’s immunity, lowers inflammation and gives their coat that healthy sheen. Snow crab is high in p..
Chicken and Atlantic LobsterFor Dogs at All Life StagesThis tasty recipe offers your pup a super source of Omega 6 fatty acids and the chicken also provides glucosamine to keep their bones healthy and..
Chicken and Atlantic LobsterFor Dogs at All Life StagesThis tasty recipe offers your pup a super source of Omega 6 fatty acids and the chicken also provides glucosamine to keep their bones healthy and..
Chicken and Atlantic LobsterFor Dogs at All Life StagesThis tasty recipe offers your pup a super source of Omega 6 fatty acids and the chicken also provides glucosamine to keep their bones healthy and..
Chicken For Cats at All Life StagesProvides healthy exterior and muscles for cats at all life stages as it’s rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. Your feline friend will love the taste of these kibbles l..
Chicken For Cats at All Life StagesProvides healthy exterior and muscles for cats at all life stages as it’s rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. Your feline friend will love the taste of these kibbles l..
Chicken and Snow CrabFor Cats at All Life StagesThese low-fat, Taurine-fortified proteins that are a great source of Omega-6 fatty acids reduce the risk of allergies and make the bones stronger. Packe..
Chicken and Snow CrabFor Cats at All Life StagesThese low-fat, Taurine-fortified proteins that are a great source of Omega-6 fatty acids reduce the risk of allergies and make the bones stronger. Packe..
Herring, Salmon and Atlantic LobsterFor Cats at All Life StagesThis grain-free, non-GMO kibble recipe contains taurine that protects your kitty’s vision, heart and digestive system as well as lean-pro..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處雞肉 - 豐富蛋白質的來源,含有Omega-6脂肪酸和葡萄糖胺,對貓咪的皮膚和毛髮健康有..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處吞拿魚 - 含有豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸,有助於保持貓咪的眼睛清晰明亮。沙丁魚 - 富..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處雞肉 - 豐富蛋白質的來源,含有Omega-6脂肪酸和葡萄糖胺,對貓咪的皮膚和毛髮健康有..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處吞拿魚 - 含有豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸,有助於保持貓咪的眼睛清晰明亮。青口 - 含有..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處雞肉 - 豐富蛋白質的來源,含有Omega-6脂肪酸和葡萄糖胺,對貓咪的皮膚和毛髮健康有..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處吞拿魚 - 含有豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸,有助於保持貓咪的眼睛清晰明亮。澳洲鱸魚 -&..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處雞肉 - 豐富蛋白質的來源,含有Omega-6脂肪酸和葡萄糖胺,對貓咪的皮膚和毛髮健康有..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處吞拿魚 - 含有豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸,有助於保持貓咪的眼睛清晰明亮。8種口味:..
適合任何年齡、任何貓種,是最挑剔的貓咪的理想選擇嚴選人類食用級鮮肉🥩,濃郁原味湯汁不含穀物、卡拉膠,降低食物過敏風險無增稠劑,原分百濃郁原味湯汁,輕鬆補水💦✖️無味精、無防腐劑含有牛磺酸 - 是對貓咪的💗心臟肌肉功能和良好👀視力至關重要的氨基酸維生素E - 對貓咪的健康非常重要,有助於保持最佳健康狀態。主要好處雞肉 - 豐富蛋白質的來源,含有Omega-6脂肪酸和葡萄糖胺,對貓咪的皮膚和毛髮健康有..
希靈魚, 三文魚, 大西洋龍蝦適用於所有年齡階段貓貓這種無穀物、非基改造粗磨配方含有牛磺酸,可保護貓咪的視力、心臟和消化系統,含瘦蛋白的大西洋龍蝦和含Omega-3 的三文魚,為貓咪提供所需的基本營養。用牛磺酸強化非基改造無穀物主要成份希靈魚‐一種低鈣、易於消化的健康蛋白質,富含增強免疫力的 EPA 和 DHA 脂肪酸。 三文魚‐用 Omega-3 脂肪酸增強免疫力; 抑制炎症,並有助於..
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